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Be a freelancer

Whilst looking for your perfect job, be available for freelance work . Build your career, network and portfolio. 

Tip #1 – Show your stuff

Get your showreel and work online – make your own blog or website that we can link to. Get your photos on flikr, videos on youtube, articles in issu.

Tip #2 – Market yourself

Once the profile is up… share it to your professional network. Let colleagues know you are available.

Tip #3 – Be available

Make sure work queries are responded to immediately – even if it to say that you are not available. Make sure you email, phone etc. is on and monitored

Join Freelancer Program

Join our freelancer community by submitting the adjacent form. It will take a maximum of two week to get your profile uploaded onto the Africa Media website. 

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

This will be published on the website - please use work version
This will be published and linked to website (if not a website - then your preferred social media / online presence that showcases your work
To get photos of you for profile - otherwise email to
Where you are based
Around 500 words written in first person about you, your skills, interests, availability, awards, experiences, qualifications etc.
Please separate by a comma
Relevant to media and wildlife
Add links to your work or showreels (articles, photographs, Youtube/Vimeo videos etc.