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Everything you need to know about joining the Sharkslive Internship program

What will I get out of the internship?

The internship is aimed at assisting in the development of aspiring television and online broadcasters  with intense real life training in producing a daily streaming production of three hours. In addition, interns will be able to gain skills in working with and filming underwater with great white sharks.

What specific training will I receive?

We do expect that interns have some experience in video production, even if filming for youtube or instagram. Specifically, interns will be trained in every aspect of our production from the live streaming, conducting interviews, to filming sharks underwater. No formal lectures will be conducted, but interns will receive significant technique and practical training during the first week on the ground.

What does my fee include and exclude?

What does the course fee include? 

Accommodation, practical training, cage diving expeditions, research expeditions, local transport (work related) travel to/from George Airport, internet (medium speed).

What does the course fee exclude?

Laundry service, meals and drinks, tourism excursions, international and domestic flights.

Can I cancel after my place is confirmed?

Due to the number of applications received and limition of four places, we unfortunately do not accept all students. Therefore, we do not welcome cancellations or date changes after the final confirmation has been sent to us. Please, make sure that the dates you indicate in your application form suit your own schedule before applying.

We request that a non-refundable USD 750 deposit is paid to confirm your place on the internship. The remaining fee must be paid in full 30 days prior to arrival in South Africa. If you are require to change your arrival month we charge a $250 administration fee

Am I eligible?

We do require that applicants have some knowledge of videography and that they are comfortable on a computer.

What does the daily work entail?

Daily work is variable depending on the number and time of shark diving expeditions. Typically the teams call time will be 90 minutes prior to broadcast launch. At that time you will split and move into your designated role on the production. After production has finished, afternoons will be spent maintaining equipment, archiving footage, editing videos, sourcing stories, preparing guests, and preparing for the next expedition.

How long is the internship?

The internship participation is for between 1 month and 3 months. New intake and departures occur at the start of each new month.

Can I bring my own video and photographic equipment?

All video and production equipment for Sharkslive is supplied. Personal consumer / prosumer level cameras can be brought. However, the use of these on the shark boats and during broadcast will not be allowed unless express permission is given by intern director and there use does not conflict with production requirements.

Please note: Professional or broadcast quality personal equipment, including drones, will not be allowed on the shark expedition vessels. 

Who owns the media collected?

All media collected during production remains the sole ownership of Sharkslive. Interns can use select media for personal use and non-commercial personal marketing. Interns can only collect media on personal equipment with permission from intern director when duties and time requirements permit.

Do I require a VISA to enter South Africa?

No. You will not be employed by Sharkslive nor paid. On this internship you are entitled to enter on a temporary visitors permit (e.g. tourism permit). Tourist visiting visas are usually issued for three months/90 days upon entry in South Africa. However, we do recommend that you contact the South African Embassy or Consulate in your country and confirm this fact.  If you plan to travel in South Africa prior or after the course for a period extending 90 days, you will have to apply for a Volunteer VISA application through your home embassy.

Where will I stay?

You will board with fellow students and interns in Mossel Bay.

Where must I fly to?

Travel arrangements must be made form your home to George airport. A member from Sharkslive will meet you at the airport and transfer you to the Sharkslive Intern house. Travel transfers must occur on the 1st of each month.

Do I need travel and medical insurance?

Yes. When you are accepted into this internship program, you will have to sign liability, copyright documents, as well an agreement that you are knowingly partaking in potentially dangerous activities. You will not be covered for accidents or illnesses, so please do organize your own medical and health insurances. You may apply for a normal travel insurance policy. Chances that you will be injured by a shark are very slim if you follow the safety guidelines, and do not try anything foolish of which we would not approve. However, you will be working in an ocean environment which can result in accidents. So it is important to be covered in case of an emergency or accident. Be sure to have an insurance cover for your entire stay in Southern Africa.

What must I pack?

If you are getting ready to pack, here is a rough packing list of items you should consider bringing.


  • Work clothes. Bring what you are comfortable in, but ensure that you have warm, strong work clothing of neutral colours, solid work shoes such as hiking boots or trainers, a good sun hat with a wide brim and a warm hat/beanie. Gloves can be helpful for early mornings. Bring a tracksuit or something similar to lounge around in during the evenings, which can get cold. Also, face buffs help keep off the cold in the evenings.
  • Social clothes. Mossel Bay is a small town, so social clothing should reflect a casual, non-formal style.
  • A swimming costume.

 Video and electronic gear

You are more than welcome to bring any personal videography or photographic equipment, however, this is totally optional. 


  • Covid negative test results
  • Toiletries &  strong sunscreen (there are also plenty of shops to purchase from).
  • Prescription medication.
  • Passport & photocopy of passport.
  • Bank cards (inform your bank of your travels).
  • Spare cash.
  • Phone & cables.
  • Sharkslive address – 182 Aalwyn Way, Aalwyndal, Mossel Bay.
Do I need extra money?

A lot of interns enjoy extra trips and tourism activities when time permits. We recommend you have around USD1000 extra per month if you wish to go on these. Please note you do not have to go on ANY of these extra trips. This is simply for your information should you wish to.

Do I need malaria or other types of medication?

No, we are far from Malaria areas, and there are no strange African diseases which you could pick up (that is if you respect the same safety rules as anywhere else in the world).

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