Roland Arnison


  • Name: Roland Arnison
  • Location: United Kingdom
  • Gender: Male

About Me

I am an award-winning wildlife, environment and adventure film-maker, experienced as a producer, director, camera operator and presenter. My short film ‘Thrill-Seekers’ won the Kendal Mountain Film Festival 48-hour film challenge. I have worked as a camera operator on a Channel 4 (UK) film of the Three Peaks Yacht Race as well as previously making my own film of this race: ‘Five Men, Three Mountains and a Boat’. The film I made as an Africa Media student, ‘Walking with Elephants’ is an official selection in the Wildlife Conservation Film Festival 2018. I am capable and happy to be either behind or in front of the camera.

I have many years experience travelling, climbing, canoeing, sea-kayaking, sailing, hiking and occasionally diving, in remote places and I am an accredited expedition leader with the British Exploring Society as well as a Mountain Rescue volunteer. I am also a blogger ( ), a photographer and a naturalist. In my remaining spare time I work as an independent environmental consultant. I am practical, resourceful, imaginative, professional and approachable!

My websites are:

I am available for future film-making work as a producer, director, camera operator or presenter / talent, especially in remote or challenging environments, anywhere in the world. I am also happy to pitch my own film ideas to commissioners and possible collaborators.

Specialist Media Skills


Environmental Journalism

Wildlife Filmmaking Internship

Wildlife Photo Internship

Underwater Photo Internship