Marvelous Mozambique: Learning in paradise
Underwater Photography – 2017
The underwater photography program has run in conjunction with Africa Media and Guinjata Dive Centre, in marvellous Mozambique. We’ve had countless keen students learning to hone their photography skills. One of our favorite things about the program is that it brings people from different countries and walks of life together and here we live eat and breathe underwater photography for an entire month – can life get any better?
Here, Fiona introduces five brilliant students from 2017. They’ve worked super hard and we hope you enjoy them?
Feel free to comment. We’ll showcase 3 of them here and 2 in a later post.
Let’s start with the fairest sex first!
Sibylle Blumenthal
German-born Sibylle lives in Dubai and has the most understanding boss in the world! Sib loves dive travel and spends a lot of time annually doing just that. Sometimes I feel like I know what Sib is going to say before she says it and I think we have a lot of similarities and even similar tastes. I’ve known her for 2 weeks but it feels much longer – in a good way. Sib is one clever, sassy lady and I hope I’ve made a friend for life.
Rob Buurman
Rob is from Holland and is Sib’s ‘other half’ and he is a ‘toy’ junkie with some exceptional equipment and skills. Rob clearly does his homework and everything about him just… works! Rob loves diving and shooting everything that moves. With his exceptional diving skills, Rob manages to capture tiny details and I’m in awe of his super macro work (and jealous of his equipment). I hope to travel with Rob and Sib someday.
Ryan Forsyth
Ryan hails from a ‘land down under’: Perth, Australia. His fascination with the ocean and its inhabitants is infectious and refreshing. Sometimes it feels like Ryan has two ‘left thumbs’ but it seems to work as his photos are incredible. He knew nothing about photography when he arrived and in 2 short weeks – just look at his work! I expect great things from this young man.
Interested in exploring more things with your camera underwater? Check out our new Underwater Videography training program.
Africa Media
Building the next generation of wildlife and environmental media specialists
Underwater Photography
Master the art of underwater photography in tropical paradise
Underwater Videography
Make your own documentary whilst exploring underwater Africa