Introduction to Photography Course: 21-22 Dec 2015

Join Sophie Patch of Africa Media for a practical training course on photography for beginners. When you understand what happens inside of your camera and the impact each of the controls has on the final image, you’ll be well on your way to creating the types of photographs you envision before you press the shutter.

Sophie clarifies each point with a series of simple illustrations designed to teach you what you need to know about ISO, shutter speed, aperture, exposure compensation, and much more. By the end of the first day you’ll be ready to grab your camera and start putting these concepts into practice to take your photographs to the next level. That’s when there will be a class outing to shoot animals at the Harry Giddey Park in Mossel Bay. Here you will learn how to put your new skills into practice while Sophie is with you and can answer all your questions.

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Topics include:
Exploring cameras and lenses
• Understanding media
• Controlling exposure
• Composing with autofocus
• Shooting animals
• Understanding form and composition
• An Intro to exporting and editing digital images
Cost of course: R1200 in total.

Additional costs:
We have a variety of top-end DSLR cameras available to be rented for the duration of the course. We have several D200’s, a D300 and a Canon 5D MKII. The prices for these cameras can be found at the link bellow, if you wish to rent a camera please contact Sophie at or ring her on (076) 341 2078

Camera rentals:  (all rental cameras will come with standard kit lenses for use on the course)

How to book:

Send us a mail at or call Sophie on (076) 3412078
When to be here : 9.30 -4p.m on 21 and 22 Dec 2015
Address: 182 Aalwyn rd, Aalwyndal GPS co-ords: 34° 8’25.09″S
22° 4’33.84″E

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