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Participant Resources

Frequently Asked Questions

How to travel in the Covid era?

Covid-19 is a reality and some restrictions may be in place. The Government regulary updates travel information and these can be viewed here:

Travel in South Africa during Covid

How long can I stay?

The programs run for 14 or 28 days in duration (from the 1st to the 28th), with catering and accommodation offered during the dates of the course advertised. If you would like to arrive early or depart late, then you will be charged a small additional fee to cover your food and accommodation.

Where will I stay?

Our particpants stay in one of two locations. If you are participaing in the underwater videography or photogrpahy programs, then you will stay adjacent to the world famous Aliwal Shoal in a town called Scottburgh. Alternatively, if you are participaing in the wildlife film, wildlife photojournalism, great white shark research internship or sharkslive film internship, then you will be staying at Mossel Bay, South Africa.

Accommodation at mossel bay: view here

Accommodation at Aliwal shoal: view here

I am not SCUBA certified. Can I still come?

If you are participaing in a diving program, and are not yet qualified, you can join the program and arrive 2 weeks prior to the beginning to get qualified and participate in 10 recreational dives for experience. This additional training, board and accommodation has an addtional cost. If unable to attend for two additional weeks, we can consider a 1-week training package but this is not recommended.

View SCUBa training packages: view here

Where must I fly to?

Scottburgh – South Africa

Arrange flights in and out of King Shaka Airport – Durban

Mossel Bay – South Africa

Arrange flights in and our of George Airport – George

What equipment will I have access to?

The equipment supplied by each program differs. Please check on the specific program page to see what equipment your particular program provides.

Can I cancel a booking once booked onto program?

Due to the number of applications received and limited places (maximum six participants), we unfortunately do not accept all applying participants. Therefore, we do not offer refunds on the deposits or full payments once they have been made.

Due to travel restrictions or difficultities, our Flexibooking gaurentee does allow you to change the dates that you participate without any additional fees or penaltities. Just a simple email!

Who owns the photos/video I collect?

All media (photographs, video etc.) collected by participants during a program will belong exclusively to the author thereof, i.e. you. All media collected by participants can be used for portfolio and marketing purposes by Africa Media without paying the participant any commission ot requesting approval.

Do I require a VISA?

Most nationalities gain a free three month (90 day) visitors VISA on arrival to South Africa. However a few nationalities (e.g. India, China) require that VISA’s are pre-arranged prior to arrival in South Africa. Please check on this link to determine if you require a pre-arranged visa: Visa Check

Do I need insurance?

Yes. When you are accepted into this program, you agree to our liability, copyright documents, as well an agreement that you are knowingly partaking in potentially dangerous activities. You will not be covered for accidents or illnesses, so please do organize your own medical and health insurances. You may apply for a normal travel insurance policy. Chances that you will be injured by a marine predator are very slim if you follow the safety guidelines, and do not try anything foolish of which we would not approve. However, you will be working on a boat in conditions which can, on occasions, be less than comfortable. Accidents may occur, so it is important to be covered in case of an emergency or accident. Be sure to have an insurance cover for your entire stay in southern Africa. SCUBA divers, also need to be insured by the Divers Alert Network (DAN)

How much extra money should I bring?

The info provided in the costs section should give you a good foundation from which to work this out.  It is probable that you may wish to do a weekend trip or two, and many activities are available on such trips including diving with sharks for example. We recommend you have around $100 extra per weekend trip you wish to go on. Please note you do not have to go on ANY of these extra trips. This is simply for your information should you wish to. Please do not bring dollars to spend if possible, rather exchange and bring Rands. Please bring $100 for tips. We do not insist that you tip but if you are happy with the service our partners have given you then it is customary to tip the staff. At the end of each month your course director will take a ‘tip’ payment from each participant and this will be pooled and divided fairly between the staff- who we promise will be looking after you very well!

Form Submission

Additional information required to ensure you get the most out of your time in Africa

Emergency contact

When confirmed, please submit your flight details. this will allow us to meet you at your arrival destination.



We run a whatsapp group for when participants are on site in South Africa. You should automatically be joined to this group a week prior to your arrival. If not, please submit form and request for Africa Media to join you. It is a great way to communicate with your fellow studnts, interns and participants here in Africa.

This is entirly optional - feel free to submit anonymously

Once compleated, please take time to submit  a review of your experience on the program

Please feel free to ignore this field and submit anonymously
Please note, these ratings are are for the specifi areas of the programs. At the end ot this form, you will have the opportunity to make written contributions on how we can improve and make your experience more rewarding.
How would you rate your experience leading up to you travelling to South Africa?
Please rate our living and working facalities that
Please rate your meals and catering service whilst at Africa Media
Please rate the quality of training experiences you have aprticipated in so far
Please rate the guidence and tutoring our instructors / field specialists have provided.
Please rate the equiipment and general logistics that we have provided for your program.

Once compleated, please take time to submit  a review of your experience on the program

Where did you stay and what accommodation did you have?

We commit to offering a safe, secure, professional environment for all our participants to enjoy your experience in South Africa. If you have any feedback, please submit anonymously here and we will take required action.

This is entirly optional - feel free to submit anonymously
Please submit feeback (positive or negative), report incidents, or report aynthing that you feel will allow us to improve your experience with Africa Media

Applicatons for field specialist positions are open annually from October to December. Alumni are welcome to apply for these positions during this period. By Submitting the bvelow form

This will be published on the website - please use work version
Duration - Three months (Either May - July, or August to October).  

Renumeration - R0, however we can legally cover your meals, accommodation and expenses associated with helping on the program. 

Travel to SA - Flights are for your account. 

Skills - Proven competence in the area of interest, skilled driver of manual ( stick ) vehicles, personable and social personality, professional approach to your career, and a willingness to offer your time and expertise to new participants. 

Upgrade your program

Affiliate Program

Africa Media’s affiliate program is designed to allow our potential, current and past participants to earn revenue by marketing and referring people to our experiential learning programs. Such revenue can be used to offset fees for your participation on our programs, or be paid out directly to you via paypal. Take the time to read our affiliate programs terms and conditions, and if it sounds like you, then go ahead and sign up!

Free eBooks

40 Fundraising ideas for financing an overseas experiential learning adventure

18 scholarships for overseas experiential learning adventures

Prepare like a pro! Everything you need before travelling to South Africa

Packing List – Make sure you travel with everything you need! 

How to get the best plane tickets for the best prices. Fly smart!


Africa Media is a premier supplier of production services, experiential media training programs and interactive edu-tourism expeditions throughout Southern Africa.

Our mission is to build an enthusiastic generation of wildlife and environmental  specialists who have the skills and passion to build successful careers or make significant contributions in the wildlife and environmental media industry.



182 Aalwyn Way


Mossel Bay 6520

South Africa