Author: Louis

A Caracal called ‘Superman’

Précis This is fact-based copy, written in a simple and direct style. The article is about nature’s own superman – […]

Kagga Kamma: Kicking back in the Karoo

Précis Kagga Kamma, a unique nature reserve situated amongst the Cederberg Mountains in the Western Cape, is a place for […]

Endangered marine life

Précis The Garden Route boasts a wealth of marine species that South Africans are proud to say live in their […]

Youth Ambassador of Southern Africa – Olivia Taylor

Précis “Dive Deeper – Aim Higher – Fly Further”  In 2008 when she was 11, Olivia started becoming passionate about the environment, initially […]

Sardine Run Fever Begins

Précis “Nothing is ever certain on the annual Sardine Run.” The guide said. Never a truer word has been spoken. […]